Sunday, February 15, 2009

TBZ-The Original Rajkot Radio Spot

TBZ-The Original organised an Exhibiton cum Sale of their exclusive jewellery for the first time in Rajkot. I wrote it in Hindi but later the spot was translated into Gujarati.

Agency: Quadrant Communications, Mumbai
Associate Creative Director: Atin Roy

My First

The First is always close to our heart. First Love. First Date. First Kiss. And of course First Radio Spot. Yeah, that's right my first radio spot for TBZ-The Original got released on 21st November '08. And this is really special. Coz i wrote the spot in my mother tongue - Konkani (actually Konklish- a mix of Konkani and English) and it was aired on Radio Mirchi - Goa. Well the brief was... TBZ-The Original were organising an Exhibition cum Sale of their exquisite jewellery at Panaji for the first time. So they were looking for a radio spot that will invite people of Goa and at the same time will have that goan flavour.

Agency: Quadrant Communications, Mumbai
Associate Creative Director: Atin Roy